Monday, January 5, 2009

Iran 2009 | Decide for yourself


Iranian president's words were: "this REGIME occupying al-Quds [Jerusalem] must VANISH from the pages of time". This clearly talks against a REGIME that occupies, and not a nation of people that Iranians actually have respect for, the Jews. Iranians were also against the apartheid REGIME of South Africa back in the 80s, but somehow the media never twisted any of such declarations into genocide references. If the phrase was heavily manipulated, there is a good reason to it.


You think in a very convenient way when claiming the exclusive pure Persian culture was that of Ferdowsi (1,000 years ago), as his was for earlier Persians quite a polluted version of their own systems, for it was already the result of helenizing and mongolizing processes. Else, you really believe 1,000 years earlier, Cyrus and Dariush would have agreed with that as if nothing wouldave happened in between? Yet you call it Persian culture and for sure it was, but so is Mowlavi's Masnavi with no "buts", as well as the modern Islamic version of Iran, and I firmly believe there is not a single contradiction between them other than words and images.


We in the West claim to live in "democracy" (whatever that word and its practice means), in "freedom", and "prosperity". If all of that is true, how do we explain the fact that this supposedly evolutioned and diplomatic world stands still while the most unfair things happen in the Middle East not on their own fault but on our Western influence on it?

Besides from our prehistoric system which needs to murder by the millions to stay alive, not a single government in the world stays out from the control of its people, not a single one of them. Government comes from the Greek "Kybernetes", who was the one guiding the ship, guiding the tripulation to a safe and better harbour, one in which the passengers would see the quality of their human nature amplified. No media in the world is free, there are naturally always governments, and less naturally there are always monopolistic corporations entangled with political conveniences, there are always masses being idiotized with reality shows, with celebrities, movies, ILLUSIONS far from what this existence really consists on and far from the simple beautiful details of life.

Just because I can publish an article that says in principle God is an asshole and his followers are beasts (and all the degrees and similar examples of doing something like that), it doesnt mean I live in a free society, but in one that forces me to operate in favor of the division of the peoples, in one that promotes individualism so that the "free" market can sell me unnecessary products far more easily when Im alone and I have lost the ability to measure the real values of life's real products, and that enslaves me with debt and material possessions.

How is all of that more valid than a government which also controls the media, which also forces people to do certain things (actually in a far more honest way as they manifest what the rules are and dont hide them in the guise of a "free" market), but which actually gives their people independence and spiritual guidance, a safer harbour, the most authentic from them all, for they shelter their culture from another one which drives towards dissolution, towards materialism and individuality, which gives people all the credit cards they want to buy as much as they can think of, but still deprives them of the real satisfaction people looked for when thinking about buying anything in the first place.


What freedom and democracy is the US -and the Western world for that matter- entitled to spread when it wasnt Bush but another "democratically" elected government which overthrew democratically elected presidents even in my meaningless Chile? And how different to such democratic evangelization ways are the rest of the countries of the world which approve all such mechanics through silence and a smile at UN meetings, smiles to which they are chained by the economical comfort of their own people and their debts?

Chileans owe a 65% of what they claim to "own", and Americans owe over a 50% of what they also "own", and lets not even get into depth with the burlesque debt of the United States of America which easily surpasses now the 10 trillion dollars (=not payable). An economic crisis threatens to rise the taxes of the buy now and pay later credit system (prohibited by Iran's "evil" leaders), threatening to take all the people "own" away, and Europeans cant handle their own supposedly independent systems with a US that falls down, so we all have to be OK with this country invading whatever nation comes in the list, as long as this other side of the Berlin wall keeps pathetically standing.

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